
The second installment of Concrete takes place in Sderot, a city bordering with the Gaza strip that in the last 10 years has suffered hundreds of rocket attacks.  I was invited to create a piece for Adama Movement Center’s festival and took this opportunity to work outdoors. This proved to be a challenge since a few rehearsals were cancelled due to rocket threats including one stressful evacuation in the middle of rehearsal. 

The piece consists of 7 short dance pieces inspired by alternative subcultures like parkour, punk rock, skateboarding and graffiti.
Many of the structures used were built in as a protection for rockets and for a brief moment they are given a joyful and aesthetic role.

Concept and choreography: Ofir Yudilevitch
Performed by: Almog Kidron, Hagar Dromi, Gal Gorfung and Ofir Yudilevitch.
Dramaturgy by: Yael Biegon-Citron
Lighting consulting: Omer Sheizaf
Music: The Clash,Sham 69, Black Flag, Ramones, The Stooges, Michael Jackson
Produced by: Bat Yam International Festival for Street Art and Theater

Supported by: The Lottery Foundation

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